MIDI: The wheels on the bus PDF: The wheels on the bus Barnesanger Engelske sanger Sangleker The wheels on the bus – Enkle akkorder
MIDI: Finger song PDF: Finger song Barnesanger Engelske sanger Sangleker Finger song – Enkle akkorder
MIDI: A, B, C – Engelsk tekst PDF: A, B, C – Engelsk tekst Barnesanger Engelske sanger A, B, C (engelsk tekst) – Enkle akkorder
MIDI: Lullaby and goodnight PDF: Lullaby and goodnight Barnesanger Engelske sanger Klassisk Vuggesanger Lullaby and goodnight – Brutte akkorder
MIDI: Lullaby and goodnight PDF: Lullaby and goodnight Barnesanger Engelske sanger Klassisk Vuggesanger Lullaby and goodnight – Enkle akkorder